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Bold Subscriptions

Say goodbye to subscription churn for Shopify stores

Blueprint is the only SMS & WhatsApp marketing platform that integrates with Bold Subscriptions for Shopify brands.

Sign up early to get 10,000* free messages 👇
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store in 2 mins
10,000 free messages* included
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Why Blueprint

Easy skipping functionality

Enable customers to seamlessly skip, rather than cancel, upcoming orders through Bold via SMS.

Fast customer support

Rapidly solve customer support issues via text. Reply one-to-one from your existing CX dashboard.

Seamless customer feedback

Collect subscriber feedback post-order via SMS with our easy automated flows.

The Blueprint dashboard showing the subscriptions page, where the merchant may set automated messages for when their customers sign up, when a recurring charge is made or an upcoming charge is due, and more.

Subscriptions grinding your gears?

Thought so. That's why Blueprint has teamed up with Bold Subscriptions to help Shopify brands increase subscriber LTV, deliver fast customer support and build more audience feedback via SMS & WhatsApp.

Get early access

What our customers say

“We've seen some pretty staggering results - our LTV has increased 70% among the subset of customers we've had conversations with.”
Donald Mendenhall, Senior Customer Experience Manager at Daring profile photo.
Donald Mendenhall
Head of Customer Experience
Daring Foods
“Super easy to set-up and really helped reduce churn, build customer feedback and increase support speed!”
Headshot of Oliver Dickinson, Co-Founder of The Anti-Acne Club.
Oliver Dickinson
The Anti-Acne Club
“As a subscription business, building strong relationships with customers to keep churn rate low is a key focus. Blueprint has been a game changer for us in this regard.”
Ryan Black, Co-founder of Buddy Bites profile photo.
Ryan Black
Buddy Bites
Offer ends 10/05/21.