App integration platform Zapier are busy dominating the battle for Google’s results page with an inspired SEO strategy.
Over half of the 5m+ unique users hitting the SaaS player’s site every month arrive through organic search:

They’re drawn by over 25,000 bespoke, algorithm-pleasing landing pages which sit atop Google’s rankings. And the clever part? Zapier themselves have created this massive web of content by writing almost none of these themselves. Here’s how they pull it off:
Web-browsing, mid-funnel prospects looking for an integration solution generally search for combinations like “connect gmail to slack”. Google’s crawlers like what they see and up pops Zapier’s site in the results.

The searcher clicks and immediately hits a dedicated landing page for connecting Gmail to Slack. Embedded here is also:
- Landing page just for Gmail
- Landing page just for Slack
- Landing page(s) for each individual “zap” (Zapier speak for each of their app to app workflows)

Each zap generates additional 35 landing pages detailing connections and features available to that specific integration:

Once the warm prospect has chosen a connection they click through to an integration specific sign-up page, rather than a generic form fill (meaning Zapier must have thousands of these pages). Within a few clicks you can connect the tools via a zap and are essentially onboarded as a Zapier customer.

According to multiple reports there’s 25000+ landing pages across this flow. Although they’ll be less zaps between less familiar tools, with over 2000 app integrations, 25k pages seems a low estimate. But how can Zapier create so many landing pages quickly and efficiently?
The answer is they don’t. Every new Zapier partner writes their own copy following editorial guidelines. This massively reduces the workload for Zapier and increases the quality of the content. Individual apps can write way better copy about themselves than any third party could, such as in this example from Airtable:

This works for customers who already know which tools they want to connect. But Zapier also targets top-of-funnel, discovery customers browsing for the tools and apps themselves.
It does this via smart keyword targeting in blog posts. Users typing in phrases like “best meeting scheduler tool” will find Zapier’s content at the top of the SERP:

According to the @TheCoolestCool’s list, Zapier rank highly on an insane amount of these discovery searches:

Instead of leading to a landing page - a click on the search engine link routes to a blog breakdown of each tool with specific zaps (that lead back to the individual onboarding pages seen earlier) or to a separate featured blog with the top four zaps for X app:

If you head to the featured blogs on best zaps for each tool - the landing-page web just gets deeper with every app you use:

Zapier are now expanding this approach past discovery of tools you’d imagine their customers connect with, and moving into more distanced topics like remote work & starting a side hustle. The this was the second non-ad result under the search phase “remote work guide”:

According to SEMrush this strategy is part of a machine that generates 5.5m+ unique website views a month: